About Jorenku

Want to know more about Jorenku A/S? We were founded in 1991 and have since established an extensive national and international network of dealers e.g by participating on fairs and shows worldwide. Today the company has a market leading position with export of products for primarily cattle, pigs, poultry, and sheep to more than 65 countries worldwide.

What can we offer you?

Our range of products i.a. includes:

  • Feed Additives
    At our own factory in South Zealand Jorenku produces i.a. vitamins, minerals, lick buckets, and acids, all of which are specially designed to meet the needs of modern agriculture.

  • Health
    Staldren® is our own produced and effective dry disinfectant that maintains a high standard of hygiene and thus supports animal welfare and health in the stables.

  • Disinfection
    Jorenku A/S offers advanced disinfection solutions to secure a clean and healthy stable.

  • Harvest
    Jorenku produces acid solutions that help optimise the yield.

  • Profession
    With our wide range of innovative quality products and customised solutions is Jorenku ready to support your company. Regardless of whether you represent a large agricultural company or are a small producer.

  • Foreign countries
    With our international network Jorenku A/S serves customers worldwide.


Focus on quality and innovation

We understand the importance of innovation and continual development within the agricultural sector. Therefore, Jorenku invests in development of new products and technologies which can optimise your agricultural production and improve your company’s efficiency.

Jorenku A/S focuses on maintaining an exceptionally high degree of customer and distributor support. The aim is to maintain a profound and uncompromising quality control of the products which has resulted in the certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 22000.


Explore our product range

You can see our entire product range here.

Would you like to work at Jorenku? Read about our vacancies here.

Jorenku takes the social responsibility seriously. Read about how we work with CSR on a daily basis.