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Jorenku A/S celebrates another international milestone with the approval of Triple-Iron in several international markets. This will pave the way for improved animal welfare worldwide.

Triple-Iron conquers global markets and is now approved in multiple countries
Triple-Iron conquers global markets
Triple-Iron is sprinkled on clean and dry floor where the sow has no direct access to it
Triple-Iron conquers global markets: International approvals and market expansion

Following extensive authorisation procedures, Jorenku A/S proudly announces that Triple-Iron has been authorised for sale by the authorities in Australia, Vietnam, Switzerland, and Korea. These approvals mark a significant step for the company, that has now introduced this effective iron supplement to pig producers in these countries.

“The approvals in Australia, Vietnam, Switzerland, and Korea are a major step forward for us,” says Johnni Pedersen, CEO at Jorenku A/S. “Triple-Iron was recently launched in these four countries and has already been sold to several customers. This confirms the high demand for our products in these markets.”

But the journey does not end here. Jorenku A/S is actively working on getting Triple-Iron approved for sale in even more countries, including Malaysia and China. With a strong confidence in the product’s potential and the benefits three-component iron can offer, there is great optimism about a forthcoming approval in other important markets.

Johnni Pedersen states: “We now look forward to further expanding our global presence. We are excited about the opportunities that lie in also introducing Triple-Iron in markets like Malaysia and China.”

Tradition of quality

Jorenku A/S has a long tradition of supplying high-quality products to agriculture worldwide. The company is especially known for its product Staldren®, an in-house produced and effective dry disinfectant that is approved by authorities in many countries. With the same commitment to quality and product safety, Jorenku A/S has now also achieved international approvals for Triple-Iron. This highlight the company’s successful approach to global markets and their ability to deliver products that meet stringent international standards.

How Triple-Iron benefits farmers

Triple-Iron is a vitamin-rich iron supplement specifically designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of piglets. The product is based on three-component iron and enriched with vitamin C, promoting the iron absorption, which is crucial for the growth and health of piglets. This ensures that piglets get a robust start to life, potentially resulting in healthier animals and better economic outcomes for farmers.

Further information

Johnni Pedersen, CEO at Jorenku A/S Tel.: +45 56 21 40 70, e-mail:

About Jorenku A/S

Jorenku A/S is a Danish company founded in 1991 by Johnni Pedersen. Jorenku A/S has since the beginning been a leading company in the hygiene and biosecurity product market with the main product Staldren® which is exported to more than 65 countries worldwide. For more information.