Staldren® Salve from JorenkuStaldren® Salve from Jorenku

Staldren® Salve for pigs

Staldren® Salve is an effective ointment for skin repair and wound healing on pigs, playing a crucial role in preventing bacterial infections and promoting health.

The product’s benefits

One of the primary advantages of the product is its specially formulated composition, functioning as a disinfectant and drying skin ointment, ideal for treating open wounds and irritated skin in pigs.

This ointment builds on the well-known properties of Staldren®, which not only ensures effective disinfection and drying of the wound but also helps keep flies away, crucial for preventing bacterial infections and promoting a healthy healing process.

Another significant advantage of the ointment is its optimal consistency, making it easy to apply directly to the wound. The ointment should be applied in a covering layer until a crust forms over the entire surface of the wound. This ensures not only effective wound healing but is particularly beneficial in treating shoulder sores and abrasions, where rapid and thorough healing is of utmost importance.

With the ointment, visible results can be achieved in a short time, making it an indispensable tool in combating, among other things, shoulder sores in farrowing sows.


Staldren® Salve is available in tubes with 250 ml and in boxes with 15 tubes.

Want to know more? 

You can read our press realaese about the launch of Staldren®Salve.

Download the brochure about Staldren® Salve
Download safety data sheet for Staldren® Salve